Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Aint She a Good Ann Curry Replacement?

Ain't It Cool News

In many ways, I like Ann Curry the most because she seems to be the most sincere. But as the morning show co-anchor on NBC, she falls a little short. First, if I had to categorize her, she's a bit "somber" in mood as compared to Couric or Natalie Morales (or even Campbell Brown or any of the other MSNBC fill ins for that matter) and people want happy/chipper when they're getting up in the morning. Mind you, it's not like there's a cloud of darkness surrounding her, it's just that it's not that bright and sunny either. Also, she's not a great interviewer... which may stem from the problem that she doesn't seem all that bright and you need someone who's fast on their feet, esp when they're paired up with Lauer who's got a quick wit. I think Natalie Morales is good as the "Ann Curry Replacement" sitting at the news desk and doing occaisional segments.

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